This was just a short series of Instagram posts sharing some thoughts I had on preshaping. It wasn’t meant to be all-encompassing, but it did examine a few of the benefits and drawbacks of preshaping so I figured it might be of use to some folks who land here. If you are unsure what these…
Author: Trevor
Dough Tolerance and Open Crumb (Instagram Recap # 8)
With this series of Instagram posts I just wanted to share some thoughts on the relationship between dough tolerance and open crumb. Please keep in mind that these posts were strictly focused on a very narrow range of things to consider when seeking an open crumb. In other words, there is much MUCH more to…
Gluten Development vs. Dough Development (Instagram Recap # 7 + Commentary)
This series of posts was intended to point out the fact that simply developing the gluten is not the same as developing the complete dough (see this post for more info on “Instagram Recaps”). “Gluten” and “dough” are often discussed as though they are the same thing, but that’s a misconception that can lead to…
Official Translation Policy
For a long time I have received requests to provide translations of my book, and for a long time I have avoided the issue by simply stating that I do hope to provide them one of these days. While that was absolutely true, the fact is that I really didn’t know how to go about…
Underfermentation (Instagram Recap # 6)
So this series of posts focuses on the problem of underfermentation (for more info on these recaps please see this post). And a rampant problem it is. By my own observation this seems to be the most common problem for those bakers new to sourdough. It was a problem that I suffered myself back when…
Bulk Fermentation (Instagram Recap # 5)
This Instagram Recap is a compilation of posts I made way back in December and January of 2018/2019 (see this post for more info about these recaps). I made a 10 part series focused on the importance of bulk fermentation and its role in the structural development of a dough. It seemed to me at…
Delayed Fermentation (Instagram Recap # 4)
For this recap (see this post for more info on Instagram Recaps) I’ve consolidated 6 posts that I made back in January of 2020. They were centered on the topic of delayed fermentation. That’s not some sort of technical baker’s term or anything, it’s just the term I use when describing fermentation methods specifically designed…
Wholegrain Compilation (Instagram Recap # 3)
It’s true that I’m not particularly known for my wholegrain breads — and that’s mostly my own fault for never discussing them much — but I do actually know a thing or two about them. Having spent 15+ years as a professional baker, I’ve made more than my fair share of wholegrain breads. But I’ve…
All About Folds (Instagram Recap # 2)
This recap is for a series of 16 Instagram posts that I wrote from late August to mid-September of 2021. And yes, as you might have guessed, they happened to focus on the topic of folding dough. The series turned out to be much longer than I had originally anticipated, and so by extension, this…
Shape, Height and Volume (Instagram Recap # 1)
I thought I might try something a little different here. Those of you who were familiar with my old website “Breadwerx” know that I let it go rather neglected in the last few years of its existence (see this post for more info). But though I may not have been posting content to my blog,…