Okay, I know this is long overdue. Almost comically so. But hey, better late than never, right? Right? The original edition of “Open Crumb Mastery” was published in November of 2017, and the second edition was published in July of 2019 — almost 2 years later. But I never did write a post about the…
Hi Folks, I Know It’s Been Awhile . . .
So welcome to my new website! As many of you already know, Breadwerx has been offline for some time now. I don’t want to bore you with details, but I feel like I should at least provide you with a brief explanation of what’s been going on. Basically, my old website had suffered from neglect…
Holiday Cranberry Sourdough [Video]
(Originally Published on December 2, 2017 by Trevor Wilson) I love cranberry bread. Especially sourdough cranberry bread. I love it in all its glorious variations: cranberry walnut, cranberry pecan, cranberry raisin, cranberry pumpkin seed, cranberry poppy, spiced cranberry, etc. But mostly, I just love plain ‘ol cranberry the best. Simple and delicious. I make this bread every…
Open Crumb Mastery
(Originally Published on November 11, 2017 by Trevor Wilson) Hey folks. So . . . I know it’s been quite a while since I last posted anything. I apologize for my long absence, and for all the unanswered comments and emails left in my wake — I am sorry for the neglect. Truly. I have no good excuse. We’re…
How to Make Sourdough Pan Bread [Video]
(Originally Published on December 7, 2016 by Trevor Wilson) That’s right, today we’re making pan bread. Just plain ‘ol pan bread. I know that many of us started baking at home so that we could escape the tyranny of pan bread. But I tell ya what, I love a good pan loaf. It doesn’t even have to be fancy…
Easy Sourdough Baguettes for Beginners [Video]
(Originally Published on November 1, 2016 by Trevor Wilson) Baguettes can be a tricky thing. On the surface they seem like a fairly simple bread to make — and they are. But that’s the problem. It’s often the simplest things that are the most difficult to perfect. Simple does not necessarily equate to easy. Mixing a smooth…
The Embarrassing Problem of Tartine Envy
(Originally Published on July 7, 2016 by Trevor Wilson) I’ve got a little problem folks. As much as I hate to admit it, I suffer from a virulent chronic condition. It’s an embarrassing subject for me, to be sure, but I think it’s time I come clean. You see, I’m not the only baker suffering from this…
How to Make Tartine Style Country Bread [Video]
(Originally Published on May 3, 2016 by Trevor Wilson) So what exactly makes this bread Tartine Style? Is it the same recipe as the classic Tartine loaf? Nope. Is it made with the same method then? Not really. So what’s the reason? Basically, it boils down to a few similar characteristics. This bread is made with a…
How to Make 50% Whole Wheat Sourdough [Video]
(Originally Published on April 1, 2016 by Trevor Wilson) Whole grain breads can be difficult. Once you start approaching 50% whole grain, all it takes is a single wrong move and you’ll find yourself in that dreaded “dry and heavy” zone. Nobody likes a dry dense whole grain bread. Nobody. This whole wheat sourdough bread, however, is neither…
Champlain Sourdough Recipe [Video]
(Originally Published on March 18, 2016 by Trevor Wilson) Why do I call this bread Champlain Sourdough? Because I live on an island in the middle of Lake Champlain (in Vermont). I made the starter here. I bake the bread here. And this is my favorite all-purpose loaf. I make it more often than any other. This…